Music Ministry

Our Music Ministry at First United Methodist Church in Sulphur Springs is a vibrant ministry for all ages. Our goal is to glorify God and inspire others with exciting and worshipful music.

Music is the way we at First UMC share our faith and experience community in fellowship as we praise God. As a beginner or seasoned musician, you are invited to share your musical talents through adult, youth, and children's choirs, ensembles, handbells and instrumental groups.

We have a children's program, an adult handbell choir, and Adult Chancel Choir. The Chancel Choir provides the music for the 11:00 a.m.worship hour. All other groups participate in worship on a regular basis. We invite you to join any one of our groups.

  • Handbell Choir-Wednesdays at 5:45pm
  • Chancel Choir Rehearsal-Wednesdays at 7:00pm